The real NFT Market Place.

xVORTEX Project
2 min readNov 3, 2020

At xVORTEX we strongly believe the NFT market has a lot of potential in the upcoming development of the decentralized economy. However, there’s already a market that‘s been up and running for a long time that could get a huge boost from it as well.

What’s that market?

Well, we’ve known very talented artists and illustrators for many years; however, we’ve found a huge difference between what they can achieve in their immediate circle, and what they could achieve in the cryptocurrency market.

Illustrators for the future.

This an illustration made by one of our core Illustrators and will be available only at our market place. (By Kbeto)

Wouldn’t you like to get involved in the developments and pushing of this kind of artist? Well, we believe in people, that’s why in xVORTEX we will have an allocation of resources in the development of artists. But remember! You’ll be part of it by casting your vote on who gets funded, and who does not! As stated in many other of our posts: We believe in a better way together.

Moreover, we encourage artist from all over the world to contact us via e-mail at or join our main Telegram channel xVORTEX and look for any of our admins, and see how we might work together in a better/most efficient way to do things!

Illustration made by another of our core artists.

What else do we have to offer you in this matter?

So far so good, but it does not stop there! We also have other type of artist in the pipe line.

Nevertheless, we want you to be vigilant of our project, and for that reason we will be updating you guys as our incubation period progresses! Lot’s of exciting things will be coming up from our end.

Count us on that.

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xVORTEX Project

We are aiming to create the first fully Decentralized collective fund.